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Guide to Library services for new staff

Quick start guide to using Library services for new MIE Staff

About MIE Library

Welcome! The Library of Marino Institute of Education is housed in St. Patrick's Hall and caters to over 1200 students and staff through the provision of print and online resources and services. You can find out how to use the Library, FAQs, Library policies and contact details on our "Using MIE Library" page. You can search for books using our Library Catalogue or try our one-stop search box for print and online resources (MIESearch) in MIE Library Quick Links below.

Please fill out the application form below for a new Library account.

For current opening hours see the Library website.

Get in touch with any queries you have!


Adding Library Resources to Moodle

  • Guide 1


This video will guide you to linking to a single article, journal, book or ebook from MIE library website to your Moodle course page.  (1 min 40 seconds).
  • Reading lists - Videos 1 and 2
Video 1 If you would like to access and edit a reading list with your students comprising multiple articles, ebooks etc.. please watch this video. 
Video 2 See this video if you want to manually add items to your reading list and request digitisation or purchase.


Please note: both videos represent the preferred method of sharing reading materials from MIE’s library site with students.

Application for Library account

Request a purchase for the Library

All Academic staff in Marino Institute of Education can request purchases for MIE Library to ensure there are copies of required textbooks for their courses available. A Librarian will assess your request and determine the appropriate number of copies and format (print or electronic where available). Please fill out the form below and submit.