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In this guide you'll find everything you need to know about copyright as it pertains to teaching and learning at MIE. Click on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below to find out what you can share online and how to comply with the ICLA Higher Education copyright license.

The Irish Copyright Licensing Agency (ICLA) has developed a new Higher Education Licence for universities and colleges . The Licence authorises the use for educational purposes of extracts of works protected by copyright. To avoid copyright infringement, the conditions and restrictions of the licence must be complied with by all HEIs. See 'Using your Educational Licence' and 'ICLA Higher Education user guidelines' in the sidebar above for more information.
The works copied and placed directly onto Moodle (the VLE) must be lawfully owned, held or accessed by the Institute (for example in the Library collection / online catalogue). Under the ICLA HE Licence, only a proportion (10%) per item is permitted (NB: see specific allowances below).
This depends on the type of work in question. The specific allowances are as follows. One whole chapter from a book including references and notes (this by extension, includes one scene from a play). One whole article from a magazine/journal issue (this by extension, includes a whole paper from a set of conference proceedings). A whole short story, poem or play from an anthology (not exceeding 10 pages in length).

Where a digital or Internet publication is not organised in a conventional way (e.g. by chapter), best judgement should be exercised to copy reasonable extracts, using the maximum limit of 10% as the guiding principle.

In summary, up to the following amounts can be copied for each course of study: 10% of the total publication. If two chapters or articles comprise no more than 10% of the total publication, both can be copied. The easiest way to calculate 10% of a total publication is by number of pages. Check the whole page count of the publication from start to finish, including items such as index and bibliography. If, for example, any of the pages in the publication are blank, they all count towards the total pagination. If the extract to be copied includes substantial white spaces or advertisements, these can be omitted for the purpose of calculating 10%.
You cannot copy or share an entire work on Moodle. Furthermore, the items not covered by the ICLA HE License are as follows. Any items that are not owned, held or lawfully accessed by the Institute (e.g. via the library collection / on catalogue). All items on the list of Excluded Categories and works ; government publications; maps and charts; printed work-cards and assignment sheets; printed 'grey literature' (leaflets, publications without an ISBN or ISSN); whole books, journals, newspapers or websites; the posting of material on the World Wide Web or internet generally; copying for re-sale/commercial purposes.
If digital copies are being created, it is important to ensure that they aren't accessible to anyone outside MIE. They must be made available only via a secure, password-protected network like Moodle. They must be stored there, or via another secure environment. Licence-compliant storage can best be facilitated by a system such as the Copyright Licensing Agency's Digital Content Store. Digital copies should be placed in course-specific collections, and not on a wider departmental or centralised institutional depository. Only course users (students taking the course in question, and staff teaching it) should be able to download, store or print the digital copies.

Alternatively, many colleagues in HEIs simply cite digital copies in an online reading list and provide hyperlinks to the item via their VLE, and this is permitted under the Licence. This is the recommended course of action to avoid copyright infringement.
We would recommend that where possible the simplest thing is to provide a link directly to the item using an authenticated permalink from MIESearch or a hyperlink. Please see our Library video on Adding library eResouce links to Moodle : if you need more help with this please contact Library staff.
Normally, yes. Under the terms of MIE's ICLA Higher Education Licence, the item (or a copy of the item) must be owned by the Institute or held in the Library (usually, items requested are already in the collection and we can accept the request). Alternatively, we may be able to purchase a copyright-fee-paid copy from the British Library.
Our Digital Extracts Service has an online request form . Please complete and submit this. List the module name and number as well as the likely number of students.
Library staff check that requested materials are covered by the Licence - if they are not, we will get back to you with available options. Requests for digitisation are checked against the CLA website. The Library maintains a record of requests, and emails you the resulting link to add to Moodle.

General Information Concerning Copyright

What is copyright?

Copyright is a form of intellectual property right. It gives the creator the right to decide how their work will be used. Copyright provides content users with a set of guidelines that enable them to access and share published material in a fair way.


Please note that this guide was made for the students and staff of Marino Institute of Education, is not a complete guide, and should not be taken as legal advice.




For general enquiries contact the Library Desk

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